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♥️ True Love Story of Seagull & Fish: A Tale of Sky & Sea

It was a hot summer noon when a Seagull reached the sea to catch a fatty fish. He saw a beautiful freshwater Fish dancing in the water with joy. He loved the way she moved, especially the way she shook her tail. Her GOLDEN SHINY eyes caught his attention, and at that moment, the Seagull decided not to eat her, even though he was very hungry. But his hunger was strong, so he flew over the sea again. As he circled, he saw that many other fish were also dancing around that delicate and pretty fish. Once again, Seagull gave up and flew away, telling himself he would try to eat that fish tomorrow.

The next day, at the same time, the Seagull returned to the sea. He saw many fish in the water — big ones, small ones, and everything in between — but he couldn’t find the beautiful fish he was looking for. Feeling disappointed, he sat on the beach and stared out at the sea, waiting. He spent hours there though waiting. And finally, he saw his Fish swimming with a group of smaller fish. Unintentionally, the gull smiled and flew away.

The next morning, he came back, sat down, and waited for her. When he saw her, he flew away with his most glory. This routine continued for 18 days. During this time, the seagull didn’t eat properly. He took food from his family and even stole from the pelicans. His mother noticed something was wrong and asked him what was going on. Seagull told him every bit of his story. His confession worried his mother. She advised him to leave these risky things. He also didn’t want to go to the sea. But, his heart got melted for that fish.

Over the past 18 days, Seagull had grown to care deeply for the fish. He also felt she was special, different from all the other fish. The Seagull even started making plans for their future together. He dreamed of flying in the sky with her, dancing together, and being close enough to feel the movement of her beautiful tail. He could spend months or even years looking into her eyes. But… God had another plan!!!

On the 21st day, he dipped into the water near that fish to seek some attention. Meanwhile, the fish looked at him and quickly shook her tail. After a few seconds, she came near to him and passed by him while Seagull could feel her gills on his skin. The feeling left him breathless. He flew out of the water and began dancing in circles in the sky, filled with joy. That day was the most precious day of his life, and he wanted to stay in that moment forever.

Three days later, the seagull was sitting near the sea when he saw the fish swimming toward him. She came close to the shore and started dancing at the water’s edge. It was clear that this dance was for him. The motion of her gills and tail was all for him. He also flew into the sky and started dancing. Now the scene was… one dancing in the sky, the other dancing in the sea. That moment was dedicated to all LOVERS in this world.

When Fish shared her love story with her family, they became worried. They tried to convince her that a fish and a seagull couldn’t live together. If they tried, one of them would have to sacrifice their life. But the fish and the seagull didn’t listen to the warnings of their elders.

On the 27th day, the seagull came to the sea, but this time he was feeling sad. He wanted to talk to the fish, but she wasn’t near the shore. He flew over the sea for hours, searching for her. Finally, he saw her coming toward him, but something felt different, something wrong. Seagull had tears in his eyes as he noticed how beautiful the fish looked, even more than usual. He began to doubt his decision, but there was no turning back.

Suddenly, Seagull made a choice. He dove into the water, grabbed the fish in his beak, and quickly flew out. It seemed a game of a few seconds. But it was a game of love, union, compassion… Now both were ONE. Both got their true love. The seagull flew up into the sky, carrying the fish with him, until they reached a mountain. This was his favourite place, the place where he was born.

But soon, the fish began to tremble. She asked the Seagull to put her in some water, but there was no water on the mountain at the hottest noon of summer. The seagull then realized what he had done. He panicked and quickly flew back to the sea, as his mother had advised him to do. But it was too late. As he placed the fish in the water, she took one last breath. A last sigh, a last breath. Then she was gone.

The Seagull threw the fish back into the sea. He knew what had happened but he denied it. The sea eventually washed Fish’s dead body back to the shore. There were tears, screaming, cries, and regrets. But now it had been too late… LOVE OUT!!!


Some things are not meant to be together, no matter how much we wish for them.


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